Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Generosity of the Poem (Edvard Kocbek)

21st of March is the World Poetry Day. For its occasion, I've decided to post a poem by the 20th century Slovenian poet Edvard Kocbek, entitled Darežljivost pesmi or Generosity of the Poem (in my own modest translation).

Generosity of the Poem
In all times, poets have been compelled
to act as solemn chroniclers,
to seize with specific words
fateful human events worthy of remembrance,
so that the young and the old might learn them
by heart and sing them in times of sorrow,
for the glory and precept of all generations. And
yet, poets have always turned excited,
mixing their sacred duty towards history
with an unbound lust for a primary game.
They have written their poems like the
snow and the rain carry out their duty in nature,
like the diligent sower sows the
plowed fields in autumn and reaps them in summer.
Right now, I feel a special generosity.
It is nourished by everything that was
and that has remained in human veneration,
that which transcends my memory, connecting me with
everything that lives in community and in imagination.
Now I sense as never before that
a poem is the concentrated force of all human
capacities, and that its exemplariness
lies in the transcendence of language.

Darežljivost pesmi

V vseh časih so naročali pesnikom,
naj kot slovesni zgodovinoslovci
skušajo s posebnimi besedami uloviti
spomina vredne usodne človeške dogodke,
da bi se jih stari in mladi naučili
na pamet in jih prepevali za žalost,
v slavo in poduk vsem rodovom. In
glejte, pesniki so se vselej razigrali
in svojo sveto dolžnost do zgodovine
povezali z nezadržno slo po prvinski igri.
Napisali so pesmi kakor dež in sneg
opravita svojo dolžnost v naravi
in kakor marljivi sejavec poseje
zorane njive jeseni in jih poleti požanje.
V tem hipu čutim posebno darežljivost.
Hranjena je iz vsega, kar je bilo
in kar je ostalo v človekovem čaščenju
in presega moj spomin in se spaja z vsem,
kar živi z občestvom in domišljijo.
Zdaj čutim, kakor tega še nisem, da je
pesem strnjena sila vseh človekovih
sposobnosti in da je njena vzornost
v presežnosti jezika.

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